[Chapter_Fourteen] Zone Zero

Rachel A. Buddeberg rachel at rabe.org
Wed Feb 9 10:31:42 PST 2011

Zone Zero.  That's really where it all starts, isn't it?  If we don't nourish ourselves, it'll be difficult to nourish anything else... 

I think for me the biggest challenge is to find balance.  I am back in school, so i read a ton of stuff and write a lot but moving my body happens only in the cracks of time left over.   It seems like most of mainstream culture is designed toward imbalance - a semester is crammed full with assignments - and then you have a month or more off.  If we want to create more balance in our own lives, it is a big challenge because it often requires not doing something that is expected of us.  It is easy to get caught up in the swirl of busyness and forget that there are so many more important things... Slowing down is part of a change toward a more sustainable life - both for our selves as well as for the planet.  Again showing how important Zone Zero is... 

So, do i take care of myself?  I try to.  But i often sacrifice self-care for that paper i need to finish reading or that email i still need answering.  I am getting better, though, of noticing and letting go "black energy holes." 


On Feb 7, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Lindsey Goldberg wrote:
> [...]
> I intend to hold space for a dialogue to unfold centered on the question of how do you steward Self? In what ways do you take care of your body? How do you stimulate your intellect? Harmonize your emotions? Enliven your spirit? Do you make time for play? Creativity? Imagination? Dreams? Do you have a wild place that you go to, to let go? To feel free?
>  [...]

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